Relaxed. Healthy. Empowered.
Health Psychology
Behavioral Health
Medical Yoga Therapy
Change in YOU begins with awareness, then knowledge, and results in new habits.
Who we serve

We help you understand your health, wellness, and diagnoses, and translate treatment plans into actionable steps for better health.

We partner with you and your patients to educate about wellness, diagnosis, and treatment, and to translate treatment into actionable steps.

We help you provide high-quality programming that is tailored to your specific needs and meets your regulatory requirements.

Meet Dr. Stefanie C.F. Toise
Hello, I'm Dr. Stefanie C.F. Toise, a doctoral-level trained psychologist, public health epidemiologist, medical researcher, and certified yoga therapist. My passion lies in health and wellness, and I support clients with complex health problems to make behavioral changes and improve their quality of life and health.
I work with individuals and groups using positive psychology approaches and yoga therapy. I also design programs for healthcare facility residents, people with chronic diseases, caregivers, and clinical staff.
My business, AT ONE LLC, is rooted in the need to broaden validated treatment options that raise each client's quality of life.

Book a 20-minute discovery call with me.

Meet Izzy (Isabelle)
Izzy is a certified pet therapy dog who is loving, intelligent, and professional. As an AKC-certified Advanced Canine Good Citizen (A-CGC), she is responsive, well-mannered, and obedient. She specializes in demonstrating how unconditional love supports healing.
Our Clients Say
Spotlight on At One LLC by the University of Hartford
Workshop Overview
Mindfulness and Metta: Staying Grounded in the Midst of Pandemic

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