I have learned under Stefanie's gentle and expert guidance to be aware of not just my body as a whole, but my feet and stance in particular, which are crucial for balance and stability. She strongly encourages any modifications needed based on orthopedic or other medical concerns and is always careful to check in with each individual regarding any current difficulties that may affect how particular postures can be done.
~ C. Boyer, individual client ~
Improving your health or mental and physical well-being is difficult. So is preparing for and recovering from surgeries or managing chronic disease. Change begins with awareness, then knowledge, and results in new habits. We understand, and we’re here to help.
You get the most from our services when:
You are involved. You are not passive.
You do your research, challenge the status quo, learn about your condition, ask for support, feel uncertain at times but are courageous and hopeful, and believe that you have a central role in your recovery and wellness.
You are committed to your quality of life and are motivated to learn how to build new health behaviors.
You want your recovery from illness to include physical functional medicine, mind-body techniques, spiritual attitudes, and cognitive approaches.

Book a 20-minute discovery call with Dr. Stefanie Toise.
What we do
We help you…
understand your diagnosis and translate your treatment into actionable steps for better health outcomes.
by being a skillful and empathetic listener to what is happening in your life that directly impacts your health.
see the need for new habits and help you build those new habits and routines that will lead you to better health outcomes.
create health behavior change using non-pharmaceutical treatments, approaches, and modalities.
Program offerings
For individuals: 5-week private sessions, meet once a week for 50 mins.
For groups: 5-week sessions, meet once a week for 1 hr 15 mins.
Key takeaways
Set short-term goals such as preparing for and recovering from surgeries.
Set long-term goals such as living with and managing chronic disease.
Focus on the behavioral aspects of health and well-being.
Empower you to make the changes you want and need.
Program benefits
If you are struggling with living with your health, encountering pain, exhaustion, and hopelessness, then you need and deserve relief, help, and support to turn things around.
You can strengthen your stamina, increase ease of movement, support your body’s immune reserve, improve sleep, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve memory challenges and chronic pain or chronic illness, including heart disease, diabetes, autoimmune, stress, and sleep disorders.
You feel hopeful, empowered, and knowledgeable, and improve your health and energy.